Effective January 1, 2019, we are going to concentrate on our quarterly issues, rather than continuing the practice of posting work weekly. Our next quarterly issue will out in mid-February 2019.
The Editors
Effective January 1, 2019, we are going to concentrate on our quarterly issues, rather than continuing the practice of posting work weekly. Our next quarterly issue will out in mid-February 2019.
The Editors
After a day or two,
lilies sprout the shape of my tongue.
I spill sad. Miss the garden,
fold over fold with inner knowing.
Don’t stop at the mouth,
the world outside is vast and intricate.
SOURCE & METHOD: As most of my peers I have often found solace in reading Rumi, felt a spiritual connection, discovered that God (my God as I have come to know him) can be a pleasurable part of my existence. My method in this piece was to build a relationship between two people based on hints throughout the words I chose to include and the direction I wanted to take. I sourced these fragments from The Essential Rumi translations by Coleman Barks with John Moyne. The muse was certainly Jelaluddin.
Lisa Zaran is the author of eight collections of poetry including Dear Bob Dylan, The Blondes Lay Content, If It We and the sometimes girl. Lisa is founder and editor of Contemporary American Voices. When not writing, Lisa spends her days working for a Community Service Agency serving individuals with substance use and mental health disorders in Arizona.
Photo by Jelena Koncar
Schoolhouse Syllabics, Hancock
an / i / mos / i / ty
a / pos / tol / ic / al
cu / ri / os / i / ty
em / blem / at / ic / al
met / a / phor / ic / al
Fus / tian
Method: This came out of a weeklong National Endowment for the Humanities seminar I participated in 2 summers ago about the Shakers here in east-central New York and western Massachusetts. It came directly from material I saw handwritten in Hancock Shaker Village in Massachusetts. I haven’t changed it a bit.
Andy Fogle has five chapbooks of poetry, with poems, translations, memoir, interviews, criticism, and educational research in Image, Mid-American Review, Blackbird, Gargoyle, Teachers & Writers Collaborative, English Journal, and elsewhere. He lives in upstate NY, teaching high school and working on a Ph.D. in Education.