Final Summer by PJ Wren


Method: For “Final Summer” I added  the text I found on the back of the photograph. The photos’ indistinct subject struck me, why would anyone photograph such a scene? Turn it over and it becomes more clear. Sometimes we can’t recognize value until something is lost.

PJ Wren is a scientist and writer from Kensington, Maryland. Her poems have appeared in The Lake, After the Pause, and Plum Tree Tavern.

Grieg’s Slätter Fib By PJ Wren

Issue 6

are all
gone mad they
cry for bones, they break
the dam, they bite no bark nor brook
the otter’s hold. Hail them all, the pillars of the church!
Hail the broad march, hail the spring dance, hail the telemark, and make the fairy goblins dance!


Source: Song titles from Grieg’s Slätter, as performed by Eva Knardahl

PJ Wren is scientist and writer from Kensington, Maryland. Her poems have appeared in The Lake, After the Pause, and Plum Tree Tavern.

Ever More Power, More Powerless Than Ever By P J Wren

Issue 5

He was
feeling insulted (by a peer)

He was
feeling unfairly criticized (by a professional critic)

He was
feeling diminished (by commenters)

He was
feeling (merely) exposed

He had
a recurring sense that if

He had
allowed her to speak

He would
have been (destroyed) forever.


Source text: Heather Havrilesky, “When the Powerful Cry ‘Bully'”, New York Times April 26, 2016

PJ Wren is scientist and writer from Kensington, Maryland. Her work has appeared in The Lake, Apocrypha and Abstractions, and elsewhere.