Without Roof (remix) ft. Kinereth Gensler
Two white ducks at nightfall
She gets halfway across a bridge
and turns back.
What will be brought for you?
Eve’s fruit-guilt.
She is pushing off
to the playground with her feet,
swinging up on her bike.
So, imperceptibly, we come to the end of loving
the grape vines are bare,
no figs or date palms grow,
the world distorts
turns flat
upon reentry
Huddled on this far shore
we salute
your fortuitous drowning.
Source text: Kinereth Gensler, Without Roof (Cambridge: Alice James, 1981)
Out of the Rain (remix) ft. Glyn Maxwell
who waits in oaks
and ashes for that time when with my eyes
hurt on a text, I watch exactly what I want to watch
From by this swimming pool, the World
Unity Organisation
Workers squat and bandage, knot, explain,
or build, out of shot.
So just
guess what I saw: not the dust
or the wide jammed road, not that.
We are underwater here, the cold
Progressors from elsewhere,
with hurt mothers, the elderly and me here.
But hell, we have each other, and the beer.
Source text: Glyn Maxwell, Out of the Rain (Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe, 1992)
H.G. Heath is a remix poet from Pennsylvania. His work has been featured in several periodicals, and his debut collection of poetry “m o p e: a Remix of Frank O’Hara” will be released this fall from a…p press.