In his Introduction of
“Dreams – a Way
to Listen to God,”
Morton Kelsey writes,
“The purpose of this book is
to show
Accurately and simply
How the ordinary person
Can begin to understand
The incredibly varied
And fascinating shows
That take place within our psyche
Each night.”
Collections of collages
Cross my picture screen
Whenever I go to sleep.
Kelsey says that God’s the speaker
In this production of our dreams.
But then again perhaps
It’s only as it seems.
It seems that someone
Found all my photo books
Then slipped the slides through the solution
And hung them up on hooks.
So in the dark room of my brain
I do a paste-up job.
I make a darn good artist!
Or is it really God?
*Previously published in TOUCHSTONES, Winston-Derick Publishers, Inc.
Source text: Morton Kelsey, Dreams – A Way to Listen to God
Cherise Wyneken is a freelance writer of poetry, prose, and children’s stories which have been published in various publications, reviews, anthologies, two collections of poetry, two poetry chapbooks, and an audio-cassette. Her poem, Borne Again was nominated for the 2012 Poetry Pushcart prize.