Ubu Untitled By Michael Kirby

Issue 10

of bodies
in lieu, I stein
/beckett my

here lay. here lay.
points for motion;
points for (e)motion.
keeping level

of 2 at 6.

j. cage—‘spin
a faint comet
she knew was

in bet


form devours
itself, despite oroborian.
and language, perl
-scripted engine,

est arrivé(e)


Source: UbuWeb

Method: Culled from the entirety of UbuWeb, an online archive of experimental writing, this poem was generated using markov chains. The number of lines (21) corresponds to the number of years UbuWeb has been active.

Michael Kirby is a student at The Graduate Center, CUNY, specializing in Digital Humanities. His main interest is contemporary poetry and poetics, and work, both creative and critical, can be found in Spikes Arts Quarterly, Jacket2 and Best American Experimental Writing 2016.